
The path that leads to transformation may be somewhat lengthy and devious. The journey unfolds on the one hand amazing and liberating reflections, on the other hand sometimes painful, confusing confrontations may disturb the mind. The social “norms” lose their value, the old, copied-learnt patterns and beliefs are to vanish as they do not serve us, then, based on our own perceptions, assessments and intuitions, the “new” concepts and emotions will integrate into their place.

“Transformation is not always easy or comfortable, and not always heavy or difficult.”

The process of this transformation is rarely mute or invisible. Prolonged perception of stress, confusion, fear, anger and introversion tend to be remnant of the procedure. One can face struggle to distinguish what is “true” and what is “false”.
All of us must take the road alone, but we can ask for support. The presence of a patron secures guidance, the honest feedback, as well as the facilitation of the learning development.

The most serious emotional burden one can take is to face their own self, leaving all kinds of masks, veils behind, putting the ego down, with no illusion.

Transformations inside you will definitely have an impact on your bonds within your family, friends and also your wider environment. One may find it hard to explain the precise details of the transformation process that is taking place inside. Even if you are capable to open up for your loved ones, they will have a hard time to interpret you and receive ‘you’ puzzling with fear. Not because they do not love you any longer. Simply, the fact is that they do not understand what you are going through. The people around you will be worried about you, while also afraid of the unknown. But you must be brave! Have faith in your journey, this is not a coincidence you must take the road and experience this.


Cooperation – Working Together

The successful peer-to-peer relationship – established via the persistent cooperative work between mentor and mentee – offers such individual development, in which the mentee is to get supportive tools and advice when meeting the challenges of selfawareness including the necessary transformations attached to the process. The process itself will have a complex beneficial influence on the advance to make.

The prolonged cooperative mentor – mentee work involves mutually discussed and set personal meetings, as well as communications – either on Skype or over the phone – at regular intervals.


The Intention and the Guideline

As a mentor, I am dedicated to support the mentee to discover their own truths, their highest potentials, teach them to listen to their inner “guru”, the innermost force, thus their own – inherent – Genuine – Self – via the means of cooperation, mutual trust and the strong connection over the time spent together.

It may sound cliché that “change is entirely up to you”. Yet, the statement is totally right.
There might be and will always be hard days or periods for all of us. The only question that remains how you deal with them. Do you want it to be different?


What you should know about the joint work of mentors and mentees:

Finomíts a képességeden, hogy az élet cifra és gazdag mintáiból tanulj. Talán nem mindig áll hatalmunkban megválasztani a tantervet, de kiválaszthatjuk, hogy melyik pályán haladunk és melyik, már megtanult tudást alkalmazzuk.

  • The mentor provides guidance and supports the mentee in their process of long-term development;
  • The mentor, if necessary, helps the mentee with their private life and work;
  • Mentoring is a bilateral, mutually beneficial partnership that is free from power relations;
  • The mentor is a Helping Hand, a Teacher who allows the mentee to find their own way;
  • During the mentoring period, maintaining a regular basis of personal relationship is key, using a friendly tone is significant;
  • The mentor – as the outcome of their work – provides guidance to their mentee and leads them along the whole learning process;
  • The mentor is an advisor, an information bank for the mentee.


I will escort you on the road but I am not willing to do anything instead of you. This journey is yours. The challenges that you face are completely yours. I will be there for you if you need a hand. But you are the one who has to make the decision for your own benefit.

No one else could enjoy and will experience your own existence and the reasons why you are here: to discover your own self and live your life at the fullest, brightest levels. This adventure is waiting only for you.

Take a deep breath, relax your shoulders, forehead and stomach.
Turn your focus inside … Where do you go from here?


“A coach has some great questions for your answers; a mentor has some great answers for your questions.”


For more details and further information, please send me a message here or call me.

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